Various Artists sufre

Today that you return and ask for forgiveness
Suffer the contempt of this heart
That once was destroyed for you.
Today that you are born to try again
Suffer my resentment and go fly
Because between you and me there is nothing more to talk
Suffer the pain that life gives you for doing me wrong
Suffer daily this punishment
That I learned to suffer with you.
Suffer this sentence that I had to endure
From the very moment you confessed to me
That one day you fell in love with another love.
Suffer, in the depths of your soul suffer< br/>Feel the dagger of my back and suffer
Just lose yourself in nothingness
That today your fire is little flame.
And suffer, outside and inside your sorrows suffer
The bitter honey of my condemnation and suffer
Until the shine falls and ceases to exist in your eyes... sufreeee
Today that destiny changed your thinking
Suffer immensely and go fly
br/>May someone else take your place
Suffer the pain that life gives you for doing me wrong
Suffer this punishment daily
That I learned to suffer with you.
Suffer this sentence that I had to endure
From the very moment you confessed to me
That one day you fell in love with another love.
Suffer, in the depths of your soul suffer
Feel the dagger from my back and suffer
Just lose yourself in nothingness
That today your fire is little flare
And suffer, outside and inside your sorrows suffer
The bitter honey of my condemnation and suffer
Until the shine falls and in your eyes it ceases to exist.
Suffer, in the depths of your soul suffer
Feel the dagger of my back and suffer
Just lose yourself in nothingness
That today your fire is little flame
And suffer, outside and within your sorrows suffer
The bitter honey of my condemnation and suffer
Until May the shine fall and cease to exist in your eyes... SUFREEE