Various Artists the wheel

I bet you didn't know that the sun took a shine water
She drinks up a bit but floats it up to the sky
Now what she takes from our lake
will make her a storm cloud, rumbles and tumbles rain
From up high, high, high
It's a wheel Winnie
This journey of ours
Sun to lake to cloud that showers
rain back to the lake below
And you'll ride that wheel wherever you go
Not a minute or moment is the same
The wheel keep you guessing
And everything around you is along for the ride
The pond, the bullfrogs, the birch trees, and hound dogs plus people, all people ebb and flow
With the tide, tide, tide
It's a wheel Winnie
A ripple in water
Girl to wife to mother to daughter
Like all your kinfolk
Come and gone
Can't stop rowing, growing, changing then moving on
Once you drop an anchor, the boat gets stuck and it could stay forever
Just floating on top
Watching life pass it by
Just floating up top
Show me how to climb back on the wheel
I'd be there slick as a slingshot
Prepare to get off at the end
And share with someone my spot
You can't have living without dying
so you can't call this living what we got
We just are
We just be
No before
No beyond
A rowboat anchored in the middle of a pond
it's a wheel
A ripple in water
Girl to wife to mother to daughter
Like all your kinfolk
Come and gone
It's a wheel
A circle in motion
Can't stop rowing, growing, changing and moving on
Can't stop rowing, growing, changing then moving on