Varttina ottajat

A bird flew to the window
a white wing wandered
there he sat there he sang
What does he sing at what time
who in the golden morning
sings a maiden's life
A maiden as a flower in an alley
evenings I sat by the window
mornings at the gates of the shed
I missed two of them
the third one asked a lot
moved my bird
Takers at their own doors
at their own doors
Takers at their own doors
at their own doors
Arriving in these smokes
passing through these alleys
the week lingered for a long time
There are these takers
from the innocent side
clean house
For those small yards
small mansions
with rings recommended
Fly close to my bird
to help the girl's only
around the lonely
Takers at their own doors
on their own doors
Takers on their own doors
on their own doors