Verde thousands more live

To those vultures that resolve to take your life away
You'd better watch what they do because its not what they say
Sporting new suits and ties to help deliver their lies
But they've got no brains and no vertebrae
With their hands in your pockets from cradle to grave
They're robbing the futures of all they enslave
They're mocking our rights, right in the home of the brave
The pressures building up into a giant shock wave
Ignoring moral and logical
proven economical
agendas of things to be done
But if united we stand
No longer under command
Though the battle has not yet begun
We just won
Assaults on our freedoms, a barrage on our rights
They're out-manned and they know it
They do not want this fight
They must think that we believe that we don't have a choice
Every one that they silence thousands more raise their voice
Thousands More!
In this oppression of hope
Data designed to confuse
History is our witness
We cannot lose
Its our time, this is our time
Its now!