Vero Nika light the fire

Life is often hard and the days are full of sorrow.
It's going on! Does it stop? You don't know.
There is hope for your sweet desire.
There will be change. Let's light the fire!
Be joyful! Think about a beter future!
Embrace your dream! Don't reject its power!
The pain will make you a stronger fighter.
Hold on to your dream! Light the fire!
Don't leave! Fight for your dream!
If you believe, you can make it real.
For real! The faith is all you need.
Give it your all and you will succeed.
To reach your goal may be a long way.
You have to keep on! It is all what I say.
All you need to do is: keep your hope on fire!
And you'll be the victor and you'll win your desire.
Get strenght by overcoming all obstacles!
Give it all you got till the last hour.
Be faithful to your dream! Gain from its power!
Just keep your head up! Light the fire!
Light the fire!
Light the fire!
Light the fire!
Fire! Fire!
Light the fire! Light the fire!
Light the fire! Light the fire!
Don't leave! Fight for your dream!
If you believe, you can make it real.
For real! The faith is all you need.
Give it your all and you will succeed.
Don't leave! Fight for your dream!
Let the fire burn! until you make it real.
For real! The faith is all you need.
Give it your all and you will succeed.
Light the fire! Light the fire!
Light the fire! Light the fire!