Veronica Farren the fool

These Whispered warnings,
danced with eyes: swing left- jump right.
the town was scorning:
“a monster lurks these trails tonight!”
“nice to meet you, stranger,
maybe you could be a friend!
They sing a song of danger,
I'll detect if you defend.”
He turned his head and put his map away,
“come”, he said, “this forest isn't safe to stay”~
I followed down the foothills
to bond beyond the trees I've climbed.
Confessed his sins and kills-
seems he has had some troubled times,
but people lose their minds, how am I to say
who stepped out of line, all are carried away~
We layed down when lost from light, we kissed our goodnights
I could dance with something else,
I’ve gotta watch myself
He fell so fast, so
silently to night's capote..
A spell that cast no
shadow over my dry throat.
My toes composed a quest
for quenching to the waterfall.
A scowling howl confessed that
I was not alone at all!
I peeked inside,
“why, such a lovely cave you've found!”
the wolves denied my wish to take a look around.
They readied for a run,
I sprang to lead their pack stampede.
Out from the cut quick comes the cliff,
I couldn't curb my speed.
Stranger swore he'd unveil my fate to me
once we woke,
How I wonder what it will be~
At least all my friends could see! Run on without me~
I could dance with something else,
I’ve gotta watch myself
brawny breeze,
felt a crack in my sleeping tree,
probably just a warning.
We'll see come morning…
Songs from my insides.
With the new sun, stomache burns.
Turn to the night vine,
new love is born~
Still, hunger hounds me.
Eyes, look around, see!
.;:mushroom garden:;.
I'll bring some home for Mike,
I know he likes his foraged soup.
I hop upon this bike,
my steering wheel begins to drooOoOOoOOOOp
I could dance with something else,
I’ve gotta watch myself
food for the dogs and the strangers, and my friends and my love..