Vicente Fernandez decir amante

Saying Lover an ungrateful word that unleashes passions
Saying Lover is an unfair way of naming thieves
Saying Lover, very few people have understood what it contains
because a lover is the most noble and the most suffered of the earth
To say Lover... is to make the most useless sacrifice
it is to roll headlong into the precipice
it is the saddest of jobs
To say Lover.... It is waiting in the lonely gloom
for an alms of community affection
sowing thorns of daily life
Saying Lover......
It is enduring how they often insult you< br/>It is giving up principles and pride
for a love that is never yours
To say Lover....
It is to bow your eyes before people
to pretend that you enjoy with a broken soul
and in the end be left with nothing (bis)