Victor Jara abre tu ventana

Victor Jara
Open Your Window
Mary, open the window
and let the sun shine
through every corner
of your house.
br/>Mary, look outside
our life has not been made
to be surrounded by shadows
and sadness.
Mary, you see
it is not enough to be born, to grow , love,
to find happiness.
The cruelest thing happened,
now your eyes are filled with light
and your hands with honey,
your hands of honey,
your hands of honey, María.
María, you see
it is not enough to be born, grow, love,
to find happiness.
My worst thing happened It's cruel,
now your eyes are filled with light
and your hands are honey,
your hands are honey,
your hands are honey, María.
You Laughter springs like the morning,
springs in the garden, Mary.
Your laughter springs like the morning,
springs in the garden, Mary.