Victor Manuelle el amor no es asi

By trying to guess what made you happiest and fighting to give you everything
I have stopped living
I forgot about myself,
I forgot about myself.
Unaware that time Our hearts marked the distance and the emptiness between the two of us,
I never understood
how I lost you.
How many desections, loneliness, illusions I have to suffer, no matter how many they are, I'm at risk the whole soul to say.
Love is not like that. (chorus)
It doesn't hurt, it doesn't have a complex.
Love is not like that (chorus)
It doesn't hide, it doesn't keep secrets, it calms your pain, it doesn't break your heart.
Love is not like that (chorus)
It is honest, real and honest.
Love is not like that (chorus)
It fills the soul when it is true, it is the beginning and the end
the reason to exist.
You made me responsible
for every failure and no matter how hard I tried
you have denied me your forgiveness
you can be happy,
I will continue without you.
How many disappointments, loneliness, illusions I have to suffer, no matter how many they are, I risk my entire soul to say.
Love is not like that. (chorus)
It doesn't hurt, it doesn't have a complex.
Love is not like that (chorus)
It doesn't hide, it doesn't keep secrets, it calms your pain, it doesn't break your heart.
Love is not like that (chorus)
It is honest, real and honest.
Love is not like that (chorus)
It fills the soul when it is true, it is the beginning and the end
the reason to exist.
Love is not like that (chorus)
It doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt and it doesn't make you suffer
Love is not like that (chorus)< br/>It does not pay with disappointment,
love is never like that.
Love is not like that. (chorus)
He doesn't hide, he never demands
he doesn't have complexes either.
Love is not like that. (chorus)
Love fills your soul
when it is true love.
Love is not like that. (chorus)
How many separations, loneliness, I have to suffer, and no matter how many they are, I risk my entire soul to say.
Love is not like that.
Of course not.
Love is not like that
of course not. (chorus)
it doesn't break your heart.
Love is not like that.
It is the beginning and the end
the reason to exit.
Love is not well
of course not. (chorus)
Of course not and of course not.
Love is not like that.
The love that you learned is different from the one that was taught to me.
Love is not It's like that.
Of course not (chorus)
Of course not. (chorus)
He never holds a grudge.
Of course not. (chorus)