Victor Manuelle sal a bailar

Don't let anyone tell you no
Don't let anyone stop you
Go out dancing, go out dancing
Think that life is short
See that time is running out
Go out to dance, go out to dance
Let it get into your body
This rhythm and this movement
Live it, feel it, and then it's over
And don't you can enjoy
Don't let it harm you in your moment
Sierra opens the door to suffering
Hands up, even if it ends
The world you don't stop dancing
Don't let anyone tell you no
Don't let anyone stop you
Go out dancing, go out dancing
Think that life is short
See that time is running out
Go out and dance, go out and dance
Even though the world moves so fast
There is always time for a smile
Forget the sorrows and if you feel sad
Come and dance my song
The street has no traces
Of the one who never walks
Uoooh uoooh...
Only stories are written
Of the one who fights and tries
Don't let anyone tell you no
Don't let anyone stop you
Go out dancing, go out dancing
Think that life is short
Look what Time is running out
Go out to dance, go out to dance
Life goes very fast
Don't sit and wait
Go out to dance, go out to dance
What Nobody stops you
The music is not going to stop
Go out and dance, go out and dance
The world keeps turning
Keep moving forward, keep changing
Go out and dance, go out and dance
Walker there is no way
The way is made by walking
Go out to dance, go out to dance
Go out to dance, go out to dance
Go out and dance , go out to dance
Go out to dance, go out to dance
Even if you stumble and fall
You never stop dancing
You have to get up
You never stop dancing
You have to get up
You never stop dancing
br/>Well your desire ends
You never stop dancing
What will be your reality
You never stop dancing
Let no one tell you no
Let no one I put a stop to you
Think that life is short
Look, time is running out
Don't let anyone tell you no
Don't let anyone put a stop to you
Think that life It's short
Look, time is running out