Viking Moses! howling dogs

My little head there on her lap, it fell there, dizzy,
laughing at our luck,
so we bed down our smiling heads, and go to town.
The night did sweat, so strong we went.
The howling dogs picked up our scent and
followed down to where we lie on the forest ground.
The first comes, jumps, and knocks me off.
Teeth sink in and searing hot,
while the moon and stars above just seem to stand watching us.
Broken down and on my back,
barely can withstand attack from just this
one over me, not to say the four close behind.
Then a screaming from the sky led a silver light into our lives.
It met the ground a burst of flame and drove the dogs away.
She comes to see what she has left under the blood covering my chest:
a heart that is still beating, a heart that is still dancing for her,
a heart that is still beating, a heart that is still dancing for her.