Visaci Zamek vitezstvi

Padlock Castle
Padlock Castle
Time: 2:19
Everything goes according to plan, everything goes according to plan,
everything goes according to plan, up to a certain point.
I can still back out, I can still back out,
I can still back out, but only as we go.
We have already lost, glory is guaranteed
and silent victories mean nothing yet,
it is better to fall with a thud than to win without a fuss,
only force of habit brings us to the sun.
Everything goes according to plan, everything goes according to plan,
everything goes according to plan, to a certain point.
I can still back out, I can still back out,
I can back out, but only as we go.
We've already lost, glory is guaranteed
and silent victories are nothing unmarked,
it is better to fall with a crash than to win without a fuss,
only the force of habit brings us to the sun.