Voice Factory frhstck

Voice Factory
Good Morning World
(Hans Unterweger)
Yes every morning when I get up,
and I smell the coffee from the kitchen,
yes, then I know exactly that you are there
and you make me breakfast -
Milk, sugar and coffee!
And a nice roll as well,
that smells like a warm summer morning,
and I forget my worries when you're there,
and you make me breakfast -
Milk, sugar and coffee!
Yes It's the weekend - as everyone knows it,
yes, such a day off - duiu-du-iu-wahhh
The sun is looking through the window
and the blue sky, what bliss,< br/>yes, what am I going to do today other than rest
and enjoy life -
Milk, sugar and coffee!
Weekend, weekend, yes weekend,
>yes it's the weekend, weekend -
Milk, sugar and coffee!