Volumes Of Revolution freedom inc

These hallways lead to doors
All closed, no codes
No hope for the broke and poor
No hope for the vets after the war
Overseas there is a plan
But it's taking America for what it stands
Defy control from behind closed doors
Mobilize it's time to rise decentralize your life
Just not for you
What can you really do?
Is more than a choice when you chose from a list but you don't have a voice
Freedom is as freedom does
Freedom is profit covered in blood
Big business lies while the government spies
And they work together under one disguise
Profiteering is the drive
But it's the people who fight and the people who die
Defy control from behind closed doors
Mobilize, it's time to rise
Decentralize your life
Just not for you
What can you really do?
Is more than choice when you choose from a list but you don't have a voice
A corporation is not a human being
Uncle Sam wants freedom but not for you and me
'Cause politicians fight to lower corporate tax
But no one says shit about the Patriot Act
They say America has no religion
While money has become our god
Backed only by the credit that is our faith
Profit decides what's right and wrong
At what cost will this stop?
Gas prices will never top
Fat America ain't willing to walk a block
Just not for you
What can you really do?
Is more than a choice when you choose from a list but you don' have a voice
They say America has no religion
While money has become our god
Backed only by the credit that is our faith
What will you do when Wall Street is gone?
At what cost will this stop?
Gas prices will never top
Fat America ain't willing to walk a block
Just not for you
What can you really do?
Is more than a choice
When you choose from a list but you don't have a voice
Mobilize it's time to rise decentralize your life