Vorkreist de imitatione christi

Wolf among sheep, Antichrist law
Malicious eyes, staring in the dark
Admonitiones ad vitam spiritualem utiles
Wolf among sheep, Antichrist law
Weakness aside, pain accepted
To turn the wisdom of Christ
Into the most Satanic Power
Admonitiones ad interna trahentes
Aside, the desire to built a family
Aside, the love for a woman
Aside, a life to built its own elderness
Aside, the life of the Prophet is aside!
To use temptation to trap all humans
To use pity to fail humans
To use faith to lie, to believe the false
To use name of Christ
To prepare the venue of the Antichrist
Crown will turn to Gold
We will steal secrets of Christ
To rule all the Nations
Christ, betrayed by God
Left to the allmighty powers of satan
De interna consolatione
De sacramento
Ad Majorem Satanas Ex Nihilo!