Vortex of Clutter death s smile

And the voyager took a step
To the desert of land without sunshine.
Serenity was unusual
The night was restless and the sunshine was captured
40.000 lives in a night
Dead bodies side by side
Into his age of darkness
The Emperor will rise
His eyes didn't get used to the darkness
But he could smell cupreous blood in the air
And the voyager got in the moment
Deserts, silent villages, people buried in deep well
40.000 lives in a night
Dead bodies side by side
Into his age of darkness
You'll see the death's smile
What happened that night?
Where was the dawn?
How did the death of people with worthless lives
Become a legend
The sunshine was captured
Humanity faded away
The time testified
To the glorious bloodbath
And the emperor smiled
The voyager looked at his eyes
Insanity and cruelty of the death ruled the land
And the hatred of god
And he spoke on behalf of god
The massacre of the innocent
For the survival of the state
And the voyager kept silent
Forgot the ones under the ground
The dark night
Never met the sun
And the emperor smiled
The voyager looked at his eyes
Insanity and cruelty of the death ruled the land