Vusi Mahlasela tonkana

The day is over
But you cooked us a goat so we know what
What you have for us today
Here is my sister with a bucket
She is already coming out of the river
Open the cow
Those from the sack
What kind of shepherd nab a heartless pity?
Open them and graze that green grass
They will slap you with horns the day they come out sakeng
They will horn you when they come out of the sack
Yonnanan yo nna
I remembered the tragedy in my village my brothers
I remembered Tonkana the faithful shepherd
The faithful shepherd
Today Tonkana has made himself a god son of Aunt Mampuru
The boy is not wise I tell you
Today he is gone, he is gone donkey has made himself a god
Tonkana went to the gods
Tonkana went to the gods
Yonnana yo me remembered the babies
I remembered the tragedy in my village my brothers
I remembered the fight of spears fighting hands dimaroba
We are fighting with the shepherds somewhere on the bank of the river in the woods
They say whose cow to drink before the water
Aow the boy praised them
They heard the melodies and poems of the gahlampela
They became before drinking water from the river no matter what
I remembered the days when we still enjoyed nature in the forest
They taught me birdsong
And read the examples of animals in Makanyaneng
( chorus)
they will blow your horns when they come out of the sack
they will blow your horns when they come out of the sack