Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania make sure of the more important things

1.How great our need to-day for dis-cern-ment,
To know the things that are true,
To know which things have great-er im-por-tance, To know which things we must do!
Love what is good; Hate what is bad.
Make God's heart glad;
Find all the joy that it brings, Al-ways pray; Stud-y each day.
Yes, may we do these im-por-tant things.
2.And what could be of great-er im-por-tance Than shar-ing King-dom good news,
To find our Fa-ther's lost little sheep, And to help them his way to choose?
They need to hear; They need to know. Oh may we show Love for our neigh-bors and help them to see, Help them get free!
Preaching is such an im-por-tant thing.
3. If we take care to do what's im-por-tant, Our faith will make us secure.
We'll know the peace be-yond hu-man think-ing And keep our hope ever sure.
True friends we'll find; True love we'll know. This love will grow.
Oh, what rich bless-ings it brings when we learn, When we dis-cern, And when we do the im-por-tant things!