With Life In Mind deafening

I've walked the earth, a careless man.
I've stood in front of the giants put before me.
I've walked the earth, a careless man.
I've stood in front of the giants put before me.
Not everything is the way it seems.
If I could paint the world with all the imagery that I've seen,
Then maybe you'd open your eyes, your mind, and start to believe.
Not everything's the way it seems.
Expose this world.
There's dark days and even darker nights.
In a place filled with nothing but malevolence,
I've tried so hard to achieve a peaceful mind.
Not everything is the way it seems.
If I could paint the world with all the imagery that I've seen,
Then maybe you'd open your eyes, open your mind, and start to believe.
You want me to be alive.
I'm just a hollow being.
Show me a single reason why
I should believe a single word.
When did all our voices die out like a throat grasping for a final breath?
(You want me to be alive)
(Show me a single reason why)
Our ears are open, but can you even hear me?
Do you want to listen, or are you just waiting for your turn to spill the filth out?
You want me to be alive.
I'm just a hollow being
Show me a single reason why
I should believe a single word
You want me to be alive.
Show me a single reason why
I should believe a single word
out of your mouth; out of your mind.
Out of your mouth!