Wizo brief telefon tur

Today a letter came from a woman
I (I think)
used to know her and loved her
When was that?
I don't know exactly
I opened the letter
but I didn't read it
I put it on the table
and looked at it
An hour later the phone rang
it was a bit strange as it sounded today
I picked up the receiver
and held it against the wall
Someone said words
and then sentences with names
I picked it up placed on the table
and looked at it
No time for stupid jokes
I'm busy getting older
Let's see who has the last laugh here
(You'll stop laughing)
and the rumors will clear up
In the evening the doorbell rang
once only at the beginning
and then one second time
then there was a pause and then again
I sat on my chair and had to smile
I put it on the table
and looked at it