Wizo weiter

I see you on TV, you are fat and arrogant,
You are the most powerful in the country only through greed and corruption.
And you feel safe, you believe that nothing can happen to you,
But imagine 20 years ago things looked different. (Yes!)
You think you have defeated us long ago - but we live on.
You think you have made us small - but we live on.
Because the night belongs to us and you have it made a mess of yourself,
because none of you knew when the next bomb would explode.
Back then you realized that your money and power
were worth a damn when you were alone at night. (Yes!)
You think you have defeated us long ago - but we live on.
You think you have beaten us - but we live on.
You think you have defeated us long ago - But we live on.
You think you've made us small - we live on.
The time will come when we have nothing left to lose,
and then you'll feel it .
You think you have defeated us long ago - but we live on.
You think you have beaten us - we live on.
You think you have defeated us long ago - but we live on .
You think you've made us small - we live on