Wohlstandskinder trane

communities of interest between 12 and 16 set the tone
sex is violence and the parts of victim and perpetrator are already distributed
and sometimes you wonder
but then again not, because nonchalance is captivating
more than a silence
more than a disturbance
more than a whisper
I can hear it immediately
notice the difference between
oversalting and verse
identification is a magic word
and at this point I would like to say hello to all trendsetters
here is my place between laughter and tears
almost a gunman full of humor - full of hatred
a laugh didn't escape intentionally
a tear rolls completely unintentionally
as an environmental officer, I organize environmental days
in the landscape garden
and my husband ensures that the golf course expands
because entrepreneurs don't like to wait
/>but invest your money somewhere else
you can be as individual as the trend, but you don't have to
because what he demands is not that important
he's had enough of you for a long time anyway< br/>and your impotence should be clear about it
since a golf park has 18 holes