Wormed agliptian codex cyborgization

Beneficial to the world
Solid state civilization
Human life: irreversibly transformed
Cycle of human life
Due to fear of the unknown
Transcendence: their fear
Their error: elimination
Crowded galaxy with human colonies
Lifeless planets colonized
Final objective
Robots gaining the ability to leave the galaxy
Non-organic part of the system
Continuation and acceleration
(Their) evolution
Of intelligent life
Beyond its currently human form
And human limitations
Hylozoism . Confront . Automatism
World power structure builders
Obsolete primitive place
Locked in a single galaxy and contemplating the universe
Losing the meaning of existence
Fully comprehend intricacies of early human development
And misconditioning of humanity
Detected and processed
The Terrax have consumed 80 of the resources of the Milky Way
They found life . (But) not smart . But primitive
Currently, the galaxy is crowded with human colonies
And scarce resources . These are uncertain times for the human race.