Wynter Solstyce would you mind

I was just thinking
Hey would you mind
If I poured you a glass of fine wine
From a way past period in time
From the sweetest vine
Perfectly sun-kissed by time
Would you mind
If I made you a favorite dish
Which ever one you wish
From meat and potatoes two veggies and fish in between
Let me plant a temples kiss
While whispering explicit wishes
And my tinder ready lips touch of the rings of your ears
Would you mind
As I played a classic tune
As we dance by candlelight
Like we live on the moon
Two stars twinkling in the galaxy
The promise of possibility
Will you
Have this dance with me
Would you mind
If I ran us a deep bath
And we layed together
And share deep laughs
Reminiscing our pasted path
And how blessed we are
That ours have crossed
As our bodies lay crisscrossed
In each other we get lost
While physical exhaust
Will only allow a closed eye conversation
Would you mind