X Makeena karma

Don't tell me you have the wingspan of an eagle.
Don't tell me you've ever felt weak.
Don't tell me you've ever felt weak.
Don't tell me you've ever felt weak. pass?.
Don't tell me you've never given up?.
That would make me laugh, would you be the first
? not have ? nagging yourself with dirty wounds, salted
by oversized feelings,
or it could mean that you are not human,
or at least that you live far away,
br/>hidden? in a fortified castle,
overprotected? by highly trained bodyguards.
Reinforced surveillance 24/7 to guard against
the intolerable intrusions of foreign bodies,
undesirable since they are undoubtedly different ,
so auspicious? bringing about change,
propitious? fulfillment.
Which would make your wrongs shine through.
Which would make your decor shake.
Which would act as a revealer for your sadness content ,
in grudges, in weaknesses.
Know that accepting your weaknesses is not one of them.
Let go of your great principles, all your habits and customs.
Spit all your reflexes, the complexes that consume you.
Tear off your armor of certainties and accept it.
Do you feel invincible,
? shelter in an invisible force field, an unsinkable island,
a blockhouse as hard as granite but whose walls are crumbling.
Inside you bleed, but you must not It's getting out.
In coveting vanity, you disperse yourself in trifles, in frivolity, junk, futility? things that shine.
Like Narcissus, without realizing it,
You fell in love with your reflection in the mirror.
If no one comes? the height of your swollen ankles,
your Achilles heel, is not out of reach.
So swallow your self-importance, throw away your privileges.
Abr? age, your power as an orator is disintegrating!
It is time for humanity?
that humility? no longer be an abandoned force,
put aside, carried by scarcity.
It is time to burn the first degree
in the flames of self-deprecation,
it's time to lay your cards on the table.
It's time to multiply the ranges of vision.
It's time to spread your wings like a pt?rodactyl,
to declaim his verses like an ultimatum,
and to proclaim them loud and clear on the megaphone in a final effort.
Quit? end up deaf and voiceless, even? end up in a straitjacket!
(Thank you? Vicking for these words)