Zazie avis au sexe fort

Hear, hear, good people
I am looking for a man who would have all the time
To raise children
Instead of shouting and playing the bad guy
Hear , listen, misters
I'm looking for someone who's not cold-hearted
To lighten my mood
By playing at people of soul and lovers
Hear, hear, brave people
I'm looking for an Adam to bite my apple
Who doesn't believe that love is wind
And that you can be a man
Without doing any harm person
Notice to the stronger sex
I would like to lose my way
In your direction
Notice to the stronger sex
I would like to bequeath my body
To you science
Hear, hear the muscles
Instead of counting the dead
From the top of the watchtowers
Leave your weapons in front of the entrance
No point in knocking
My heart is not closed
I promise, I swear, it didn't hurt enough
It's just a little powder shot
Except we threw the bullets away
It's never too late, you just have to know
That to win this war
You just need to not fight it
Come and watch my contours
I need 'a guy who circles around me
To keep the vultures away
Those who make love to me
Before courting me
Attention to the stronger sex
I would like to lose my way
In your direction
Attention to the stronger sex
I would like to bequeath my body
To your science
I'm not like in the magazines
Girl in fishnet stockings, woman in cellophane
But I have alkaline sex appeal
Time for big laughs
Which make waves in the soul