Zeca Afonso papuca

Look, put on your hoodie
but don't buy the old pineapple suit
the style doesn't lend itself and nothing makes sense
I miss you, my dude
If you can, you can't
Try going out
for a bit, the weather is good
in Arrábida for the nests
my boy
Tomorrow is a holiday
in Paio Pires sharp
br/>your hoarse-deaf ear
in turpentine
The crowd in the street
It's Zé!
you hear the band playing
the M. F. A.
Borges, Pina, Xaimite and Bibas are going
The revolution is here
The changed boots
he sings on the balcony
On the beaten track
to Luanda
Just one less hole
in the tight belt
It's already Spring
Love is not a sin
in the hem of the skirt
the green lizard
It's a happy day
Waiting for us, baby
We're in a drought
there's little peace
take a nap
the crazy aunt
Wipe your armpits
with this spray
tomorrow is dancing day
Put it in your mouth
a pacifier
tomorrow is Dona Xepa's day