Zizi Possi numas

If the thing paints, it beats
The heart, jumps
No one holds it back, it gives a flag
And then it gets into trouble
The body starts catching fire
Burning pepper, get out from under
Who can't stand it
In this game, it takes away stubbornness
It's better to burn yourself.
If the eye shines,
And paint a attraction straight away, tara
The blood heats up and no one can hold back anymore, man
Who said this is the time to talk poetry
I want more from you © enjoying life
In the back seat of the car
On the sofa in the living room, in the bathtub
Behind the wall,
It doesn't matter the place, right? £o
Calm down, my heart, I'm still a girl
To die of emotion
Stop the world, what a tachycardia
Keep your voice down and turn off that television.