ZSK mein staat

Have you ever asked yourself
Is this really your country?
What does it even mean
Your country and my country?
When I was little, I always believed< br/>That everything is fine
The police officers are there to protect us
From the bad gangsters and terrorists
Later at demonstrations I soon had to realize this
That cops never try to understand protesters
Free batons, pepper spray and prosecutors
I'm starting my own state now
And my state is not a state!
Fuck you! Then there are no borders,
And my state is not a state,
Yes my state is not a state,
Because my state is not a state,
No Nazi cops and no CDU !
I never voted for you
I don't stand for anything you stand for
Politics for the rich, against the poor
No question for the economy
Of course I know that in many countries
Everything is even shittier, but that
Does not take away the right to criticize, to protest
And to change what needs to be changed.
I'm starting my own state now
And my state is not a state!
Fuck you! Then there are no borders,
And my state is not a state,
Yes my state is not a state,
Because my state is not a state,
No Nazi cops and no CDU !
Who gives you the right to fence us in?
You act as if you bought the world and divided it up
I don't believe that's the case and that's why I don't want a state< br/>