Aes Dana stigmates

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Aes Dana
The song breaks as I deny the power
From the stigmata the words are born
Signs tainted with a light ©extinguished
Passing the threshold, the invisible trace dies
Your bonds drag on
The fall
Degrading in its intoxication
Takes you away from your flame
Pale residue of a shadow
From infamy is born the quintessence
In the distance burns an image
Dream completed and terrible today now that you are no longer
Your disgrace is your quest
In this darkness that you hate
You learn to love your complaint
The look turned towards ancient idols
Indifferent to the new god
You will not betray a vain quest
The Grail was an emerald
Your wound is your destiny
Essence of a whim or a dream
You weave a pattern at random
Motif of power
Chaos or darkness
Have invented for you
A new image
The imprint distances you
From this other design
You are what you hate
You you will hate what you were
Forever you aspire to it
You are the lord again
From the shadows is born the quintessence