Duelo el barrilito de agua

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José Severo, a humble man, goat herder and creator, in the entire burgos area, considered the best, devoted husband and father, has become a bully. His wife Claudia Martines, Beautiful and ambitious,
she had a secret lover, they say he was a buyer,
one of those who pay and exploit the fruits of the region.
One October morning, the case grew bigger
Up to their house, the buyer looked for it,
and in front of his two daughters, he ran away with the man.
Running, they reached the field, the daughters of that shepherd,
to let his father know that his mother left,
crying he begged them, please don't kill her.
he filled a little barrel with water, and in the mountains he was almost lost,
For two and a half hours, without stopping, he traveled through it,
and at the crossing of the stream, he intercepted them.
With a rifle that he was carrying, he murdered the buyer,
he saw Claudia with great sadness, The pain was inhuman,
and remembering his daughters, his life was taken from him.