Elizabeth Shepherd george s dilemma tasuke tanabe mix

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He's never satisfied
He's never had his fill
While others are enjoying
George just can't sit still
He wants to have it all
At nothing will he stop
He's missing out on life while
Climbing to the top
Watch out George ‘cause you will find
Life's got a way
Of handing to each one in kind
His or her own pay
And you won't expect it
So take a tip from me
Quit scaling up that hill
Cause rich or poor there's no one
Dodging life's little bill
So why slave for all this money, my friend
Your life's passing quicker than you think
Time's not something you can buy
Money won't speak for you when you're gone
How ‘bout human relations
That take time to build
When death comes to find you
Leave this life fulfilled
You know, you're not immune to tragedy
Could come any day
And when it does, who'll be around
To help you back on your way, my friend
Crisp bills, no passion buy
Nor happiness
So while you swim in wealth, my dear friend
Life puts you to the test