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Your dream and visions of silk and gold
Thus says the Lord you name it claim it have it all
In Jesus name your riches claim
Come all tired and weary build your kingdom build your fame
I call you wolves devouring sheep
Prophesy a lie and feeding poison to the weak
Come get your breakthrough via check card cash but no loose change
In the basket please
These pictures they're all kind of vague
Your heart beats through you're in the grave
The Lord speaks, he makes no mistakes
Out of mind, out of line you need to be saved
Brother, sister, mother
We do need each other
Brother, sister, father
We do need each other
We feed the crowds with light and sounds
The less we teach the truth the more they'll come around
Their blood is on me, their bloods is on you
So would you turn around now and what will you do
Your real estate through heaven's gate
You say you'll bring it all that day
These pictures they're all kind of vague
Your heart beats through you're in the grave
The Lord speaks, he makes no mistakes
Out of mind, out of line you need to be saved
Brother, sister, mother
We do need each other
Brother, sister, father
We do need each other
Brother, sister, mother
Walk in the word come out of the world
Brother, sister, father
Walk in the word come out of the world
Brother… sister…