Jacky Cheung san tian liang ye

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zÇo zhÄ« dà o zhà ̈ du Ãn qÃng
this is your responsibility
what you are worth is what you are good at />what's the hu'hu zhe q'ang x'
déng of the jà jiÄɑng of the law of jié
xÃn made chÃng long mé
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry

I'm going to listen to you
I'm going to go to you. «
I don't know what you're
I don't know
I don't know
with you
I don't know br/>zhī I'm not going to be young
I'm going to have
>I'm going to do it
I'm going to do it
I'm going to do it

what you have to say
what you said
what happened
what happened
what happened

xé to the law of jié jÃo
xúng made a long hand chéng to the law of
zhÄ« yÃ/>o tÇr
I'm sorry for you
I'm sorry for you
I'm sorry for you
I'm sorry
si n tiÄn liÇng you
I'm going to go to you zhà ̈ me and you're
I'm going to go
to you br/>I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry br/>it's just that I don't know
what I'm doing
due to what I'm doing zhÇng <Än huâ >sÁn tian liÃng
zhī I'm not sure what to do with you
it's good
what happened
where did you go
hey.. .hey...
when I heard you