Renald Francoeur the evolution of science

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I think we should take a little look through time to see what we can find gonna blow your mind
In 1543 Nicholas Copernicus said this while he layed on his death bed...
He said the planets revolve around the sun...
He left the copernicum system
Isaac Newton in 1664 discovered gravitational law.
Gravity in all its splendor is the force that draws our ...
towards each other.
Someone with an electric pesonaility.
Michael Faraday Mr.
His experiments in 1831 led to the first generator!
I think we should take a little look through time to see what we can find out there gonna blow your mind
I think we should take a little look through time to see what we can find gonna blow your mind
Charles Darwin in 1859 said organisms evolve slowly over time...
And all of these changes allow, allow them to survive
Louis pasteuer in the 1860's discovered microorganisms bring diseases.
He realized bacteria can be killed by heat and disinfectants so wash your hands!
Albert Einstein's theory of relativity has nothing to do with your family tree.
It explains relationships between distance speed and time, that was in 1905.
I think we should take a little look through time to see what we can find up there gonna blow your mind
How about we take a little look through time to see what we can find gonna blow your mind
In 1928 Alexander Fleming discovered the first antibiotic penecillin.
He grew it in his lab using modl and fungii, made germs pack up and say bye bye
DNA makes up our genes, blue denim is not what i mean...
James Watson and Francis Crick found the double helix structure in 1953
I think we should take a little look through time to see what we can find up there gonna blow your mind
How about we take a little look through time to see what we can find gonna blow your mind
I think we should take a little look through time to see what we can find up there gonna blow your mind
How about we take a little look through time to see what we can find gonna blow your mind