Rondellus post aeternitatem after forever

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Have you thought about your heart?
Will it be saved?
Do you perhaps think: when you are buried,
You remain in the grave?
Does God seem like a fiction to you?
Is God a part of you? ?
Is it Christ or the voice that stands in these books
of yours? Or are you a quiet heart?
Perhaps you want the priest to be killed?
Do you think him a fool?
I know the truth.
I know the light of Chutftyiaue's ways. when you are alone
dismayed by your departure.
Perhaps you are afraid of what your friends will say.
if they know: you believe in a heavenly God the only way to love. so that you are now
caught up in errors again?
Do you laugh and turn when death is present?
Do you say turn, so that the sun is worshiped?
I think this is true:
They crucify God these like you.
I think that's sad.
Turn your opinion has won all of mine.
Are you even sure when
your day is coming? ?
You had a lot but it was rejected,
If you change your mind now
Perhaps you will tell the chickens before you
God is dead.
Open your eyes now: there is only God
who can redeem you from here
from all sin.
Do you scoff at all that you hear?
It is late, it is late.