A Loss For Words feat. Jason Vena lucida feat jason vena

She was a Catholic
Out of practice;
Heartsick agnostic
Avoiding the shape of the serpent
When she was in her youth (inarticulate, aloof)
She emerged never to be long in the tooth
Sought universal truth (not merely bearing fruit)
Won't slip into a cubicle in the suburbs
Not property, not arm candy
Not property
She wasn't looking to be found
She wasn't looking to be tied down
She wasn't looking to be found
She wasn't asking for a hand out
She was a nomadic soul
With more than oats to sow
She won't be forgettable
Or be another cloned disciple
When she was in her prime (uncompromising, refined)
Two roads diverged she took the one less traveled by
A life affirming sign (not just consume and climb)
Won't slip into a cubicle in the suburbs