A Million Dead Birds Laughing oracle

Who said it would take so many heathens to make a candle?
Just so they could see the flame; make its way down a severed spine
Be terror with a razor implanted sideways in that slit terrorist
And just wait until you see the darkness; under the diamond
Invent an island and see whether it sinks on a bed of fire
Isolate the waves and be remade into another’s saviour
Death is impenetrable poison; sewn onto the inside of the eyeball
Now that’s incentive
I’ve always been excited at why so many humans can be
Contaminated by another’s nightmare
Is that still providence or is this bitch just industry
Bleet Bleet
The sheep sleep peacefully in their character corrective posture
Solemnly blamed but still honoured
Within and without my knowledge
Now wasn’t that a simple symbolic gesture of sanity?
They’re all innocent and lame
But when they summon the snake; all their heads shall be taken
Fiends; excited by violence the aliens reanimate their kings
“And this is why I’ve decided to make waffles, in favour of participating in civilization.”
If only they could see what I see