A Night at the Chalet filth

I am disgusted, my true colors are prevailing that I am,
I am horrifying, Forever I Love The Horror,
when all your, Faith is Lost Through Here,
because through my eyes that's all you resemble,
is shit, my true colors are are prevailing,
let the horror begin your eyes must remain open,
and if you think twice about closing them I will rip you to fucking pieces,
my mind keeps escalating violence,
I will make your worthless self imagine,
the worst possibly place,
he words you speak of will extend relapse your heart will beat so fucking fast,
that it will give you the feeling of unexplained thoughts of terror! it's ugly and frightening I know but it's all over your fucking face!
Let me get right to the point,
it would be a pleasure to rearrange your fucking face,
that I am not impressed that it splits in two I am disgusted, my true colors are prevailed,
I am horrifying, I am the fucking FILTH!
Let the horror begin! I am the fucking filth!