Aaskereia winternacht

From the fog over the forest,
He shines in all his splendor.
The gloomy face of his coldness,
Stands quietly for fame and power.
You can see him in the firmament.
/>The rays dance through the fog.
This will never go away.
A cold night.
where the full moon laughs.
The wolf with his pack moves
and flees into the darkness of the forests.
A black dagger in a white hand,
where all life is banished by a circle.
A small fire now burns quietly,
the victim is shredded to the ground falls.
I hear the scream in the dark night.
Once I only saw the white splendor.
The snow falls quietly,
the last torch goes out...
...So I move on.
Full of glory and pride
into the dark of the night.