Abaddon apotegma de animas

I will meet at the end
Let's see who is who to destroy
Memories that excite my mind
The supernatural drama
Desperate to save
Mission of blood
Metals trepan my skull
Infernal schizogony
Locked in old cubes
I order them to follow me without stopping
Alive or dead to the vehicle in the distance
A immobilize my confinement, my apathy
I will find myself at the end
Let's see who is who to destroy
Memories that excite my mind
The supernatural drama
Desperate to save
Mission of blood
Metals trepan my skull
Infernal schizogony
Locked in old cubes
I order them to follow me without stopping
Alive or dead to the vehicle in the distance
To immobilize my confinement, my apathy
Apothegm of souls.