Abdominal and The Obliques hot cross buns

She told me she was crazy,
I told her I was used to being around crazy people,
and as such, I wouldn’t get spooked so easily,
and that she could fell free to be
as crazy as she needed to be,
wo-o-oah she was,
holy fuck she was,
mmm she was.
I mean at no point did I regret ever making the statement,
let’s just say I was unaware of the extent of the craziness it’d leave me facing,
it was pretty goddamn extensive,
like she posed nude for a website,
on a crucifix,
I didn’t make that last part up,
I have the pictures.
She left me for this other dude,
then came back in just under two
months, saying she only did it ‘cuz
she got freaked out by just how much she loved me and I bought the line,
my friends said, “Man, what are you, blind?”
I said, “No, it sounds legit,
plus I vowed to this girl way back that I wouldn’t quit
on her when she acted this way,
and really, what’s the big deal about a little bit of consensual nude crucifixion between adult friends anyway?”
Ohh anyway…
I took her back in and things went great,
but I’m sure by now you can anticipate
that the situation wouldn’t last long,
if it had then I wouldn’t have to sing this song
in the minor key that it’s currently in,
three weeks later and she left me again…
At least this time there was no other dude,
instead I got the old it’s me not you.
She explained that she had issues
that needed working on, I said “that’s true”.
Maybe I can help her work ‘em on through?
“No” she said, “it’s a job for one not two-oo-oo,
Well alright, clearly time for me to move on,
but of course easier said than done,
made less easy by the fact that this girl,
started going out with this other fucking girl…
right after,
you heard right cue laughter,
to mask heartbreak,
because my heart broke,
in twoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.
The moral of the story? Not sure my friend,
but one thing I do know now though’s when
you hear those two words, “I’m crazy”,
especially when they come from a fine lady,
that probably means craziness’ll ensue,
but don’t quote me, that’s just one man’s view—oo—oo,
and anyway, I’m a little crazy too-oo-ooh.