Abingdon Boys School dress

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Are you feelin' good?
Are you waitingin' for something you want?< br/>If you feel so blue
No need to stay just free yourself
Can you hear the groove?
Can you shout it out until the end?
/>If you show me truth
No doubt to say I lose myself
I'm goin' round and round and round and round
Dancin' through the heat
Goin' down and down and down and down
Drivin' to the beat
My desire, burnin' like a fire
No more, Liar, all that you inspire
My desire, hangin' on the wire
Let me say yeah! I take you to higher ground
Are you in the mood?
Are you comin' closer and closer?
If you see me too
Why don't you reveal what's inside
br/>I'm goin' round and round and round and round
Dancin' through the heat
Goin' down and down and down and down
Drivin' to the beat
My desire, burnin' like a fire
No more, Liar, all that you inspire
My desire, hangin' on the wire
Let me say yeah! I take you to higher ground
My desire, burnin' like a fire
No more, Liar, all that you inspire
My desire
Take you higher
My desire
Take you higher
My desire
I'm on Fire