Acda en De Munnik als het vuur gedoofd is

Acda and De Munnik
When the Fire Is Extinguished
Friday afternoon in the Vondelpark
November and wet
There is a man sitting near the pond
And Herman is fed up
Has had a shitty year
A man with everything you can have
Wife, child, house, car, job
A job like that, like that a job
But Herman once wanted it differently
And has been thinking about that for months now
He thinks about what he wanted
And thinks I was too cowardly
He thinks is this it?
Herman thinks himself in the grave
Wasn't it yesterday
That I arrived here
Only eighteen years young?
I wouldn't be partying, drinking , travel?
Wouldn't I do what I once sang?
But traveling is no longer possible
He thought that would be nice
Yes, travel back home
Because there the food is waited for
When the fire is extinguished
When the fire is extinguished
When the fire is extinguished
Then the wolves come
Friday afternoon in the Vondelpark
And Herman stands up
He swings his bag far into the pond
And sings out loud again
No longer eighteen
And heroism is over
But if I now don't go
Then a dream will be gone forever
Those I hurt
Forgive me for my loss
But everything goes wrong
And do you know what it is?
/>When the fire is out
When the fire is out
When the fire is out
Then the wolves come
Tuesday morning on a gravel path
It's been the weekend
/>People are getting ready
For the walk
As if they were going to a party
And Herman is allowed to lead the way
He is the only one not cold
Because he is dressed tightly
In a box of lined pine wood
When the fire is extinguished
When the fire is extinguished
When the fire is extinguished
Then the wolves come
When the fire is extinguished
When the fire is extinguished
When the fire is extinguished
Then the wolves come
The wolves come