Acid Rain aliens in unseren kopfen

I know what I'm talking about
I know what the truth looks like
It's not out there somewhere
Because the truth lies on earth
When the UFOs fly again< br/>Everyone just stares into space
That are Aliens in your Machines!
You're having a blast!
Because the aliens are only in our heads
They've never been on Earth
They don't kidnap people
They don't mutilate our cattle
The aliens are only in our heads
Are you all blind?
Because in reality there are airplanes and weather balloons
The UFOs are in the sky
Money-hungry ufologists
Sell aliens for a lot of money
Lies and truth mix
No landing pads in the field
Videos and UFO pictures
Fakes and errors
But some people get incredible wealth through this
But the aliens are only in our heads
Don't you see what the television does?
When a research balloon becomes a spaceship< br/>And crashes to earth in Roswell
The aliens are only in our heads
Why don't you believe me?
A disco spotlight in the sky
And you believe in extraterrestrial things Light
Aliens in our heads
I'm afraid it's true
The truth is that no one
Saw a real alien
But I don't want to hide from you
/>I would also like to see them
But crazy, it's no use
Because it just embellishes everything
If they really exist
Then they'll come here one day< br/>But UFOs have nothing to do with it
The aliens weren't here yet
And the aliens are only in our heads
Just look around
The world has your own problems
Take care of it first
Let the aliens out of your heads
They're already out of my case
The truth is sobering
But we're coming without them not out