Acéldama zombified carcass

In this putrid state, my carcass turns into pus eruptions
Worms and rotten flesh, it's all that remains of me
Now I suffer, for all pain that I have caused
Left behind, all humans turn into this carcass,
I have no choice but to wait and see how I rot
While I'm a living dead and inside me, my soul screams
Why I´m carrying this sickness, is this my end?
I remember the times when I spat at the truth
Thinking I was in the correct way
But now I know that I'm paying for my arrogance
For the day I rejected the grace of God,
He's the only one who can fill this hole
And heal this zombified carcass
Why am I carrying this sickness, is this is my end?
I remember the time when I spat at the truth