Acres Of Lions miserable together

I left before the dust could settle, with my wide-eyed affections for your fear of rejection. I know I keep you up at night. I know I'm a constant fight. Can we be content with what we got? Don't let our longings lead us to who we're not.
We never had the chance to argue, in the little time we have, I never wanna hear you sad.
This ain't goodbye forever. It's just goodnight from wherever I am. Wherever you are, why can't we be miserable together? My heart's a mess. I'm so over this. I never made friends with long distance. I try to describe. I try to reply but then I get tongue-tied over phone-lines.
Why can't we be miserable together?
You pushed away from me so gently. I know, I know. My sappy sentiments get old. I'm a fuckin' broken record sometimes. But you, you're still my brightest light. You're still my concept of a home and you shine to me when I need you the most.
We never had the chance to argue, in the little time we have, I never wanna hear you sad.
This ain't goodbye forever. It's just goodnight from wherever I am. Wherever you are, why can't we be miserable together? My heart's a mess. I'm so over this. I never made friends with long distance. I try to describe. I try to reply but then I get tongue-tied over phone-lines.
Why can't we be miserable together?