Actitud Maria Marta rudy

Rudi was a very particular little boy
in the afternoons he went to a course to learn how to make up
when his friends came to see him
they didn't even leave the wall by chance
/>and Artu bent down to tie his shoelaces
and we all know very well that Rudi doesn't miss opportunities
Come on, don't be a brat!
afterwards it's pleasurable, for now it's painful
Rudi is active and also passive
he does it with animals and especially with boys
he was discovered the day before yesterday naked
raping an elephant at the Rhodes circus
He is wanted by the federal police
this little boy is now a national problem
and even President Menem gave a statement
that he was also raped by him
The Pope came to put an end to this nightmare
and now his holiness cannot even see a chair
known for his great feats
Rudi leaves no puppet with a head
Rudi insatiably Rudi...< br/>Rudi insatiably Rudi...
Fat, skinny workers and businessmen
little holes in the wall and also canaries
Rudi does not have any kind of taboo
big and small make up his menu
It became very popular
he made the verb to love fashionable
he began to be seen as a new messiah
without wasting a second he published his professes
With the retirees he marched
and they were also supported
first and second and third age
Rudi is generous in receiving and giving
Colonel Ricota who went to visit him
he couldn't handle himself and wanted to imprison him
he ended up visiting hospitals
with a terrible pattern of anal bleeding
Rudi visited him while he was recovering
and it turns out that the colonel also He ate her
neither the navy nor the navy can handle him
Rudi is insatiable!!! The people are with him.
Rudi insatiably Rudi...
Rudi insatiably RUDI!!!