Ada Jones has anybody here seen kelly

Michael Kelly and his sweetheart from
the County Cork were bent upon a holiday.
They landed in New York.
They strolled around to see the sights.
Alas, it's sad to say poor Kelly lost his
little girl upon the Great White Way.
She walked uptown from
Herald Square to 42th St.
The traffic stopped when
she cried to the copper
Has anybody here seen Kelly?
Has anybody here seen Kelly?
Oh, you'd know him by his smile.
His hair is red, and his eyes are blue.
He is Irish through and through
Has anybody here seen Kelly?
Kelly from the Emerald Isle!
Over on Fifth Avenue a band began to play.
A thousand men were marching cuz
it was St. Patrick's Day.
The Wearing of the Green rang out upon the morning air.
IT was Kelly favorite melody said she,
I'll find him there!
So she climbed upon a grandstand in
the hopes her Mike to see.
Five hundred Kelly left the ranks in
answer to her plea!
Has anybody here seen Kelly?
you know how to spell it.
Has anybody here seen Kelly?
Faith, you'd know him by his smile.
Oh, his hair and his eyes!
Oh, he is Irish--God bless I'm!
Has anybody here seen Kelly?
Kelly from the Emerald Isle!