Adam Sapphire i m the fucking king

I knew I fucked it up as soon as I started.
said some stupid shit coz I'm fucking retarded.
I knew I messed up by the look on your face.
yeah, I'm a bad-ass wizard who arrived from space.
no wait, let me go back.
shit, I already fucked up this track.
now you're going to think I suck, but whatever...
I don't give a fuck, I wanted to bring you back with me.
I wanted you to see.
I could give you everything.
don'cha know baby, I'm the fucking King.
but I fucked it up coz I just couldn't wait, and I think about you every time I masturbate.
I could have said nothing, everything would be cool.
I should have said nothing but I'm a fucking fool.
I spent so fucking long thinking about everything I wanted to say to her but I could never find the right words and it all just sort of tumbled of awkwardly and there was nothing that I could do to make her understand.
Crystal Castles meets Coheed.
you can cut me open and watch me bleed, like Nine Inch Nails but not that great, I fucked this all up but please don't hate, and sometimes I think I'd be better off dead, but I'm still pretty sure that it's all in my head, like the Deftones except I can't sing, don'cha know baby, I'm the fucking King, like the Blood Brothers except it's one guy, who records stupid shit every time he gets high, like MSI with no fan base, I'm a bad-ass wizard who arrived from space, I fucked myself over when I hit send, come with me and play pretend / I can't stop thinking of this, all I wanted was-... ((one kiss)) ah, whatever.
I don't want to think about this any fucking more